Results for 'Richard Thompson Hull'

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  1. Autobiography.Richard Thompson Hull - 2005 - In Elizabeth D. Boepple, Sui generis: essays presented to Richard Thompson Hull on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse.
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  2. Sui generis: essays presented to Richard Thompson Hull on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday.Elizabeth D. Boepple (ed.) - 2005 - Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse.
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  3. Foreword: Never say no to adventure!Wlaine Mangelsdorf Hull - 2005 - In Elizabeth D. Boepple, Sui generis: essays presented to Richard Thompson Hull on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse.
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  4. Foreword: Richard T. Hull: scholar/activist extraordinaire.Milton Thomas Fisk - 2005 - In Elizabeth D. Boepple, Sui generis: essays presented to Richard Thompson Hull on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse.
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  5. Foreword: Richard Hull: indefatigable philosopher.Paul Kurtz - 2005 - In Elizabeth D. Boepple, Sui generis: essays presented to Richard Thompson Hull on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse.
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  6. A (mainly epistemic) case for multiple-vote majority rule.Richard Bradley & Christopher Thompson - 2012 - Episteme 9 (1):63-79.
    Multiple-vote majority rule is a procedure for making group decisions in which individuals weight their votes on issues in accordance with how competent they are on them. When individuals are motivated by the truth and know their relative competence on different issues, multiple-vote majority rule performs nearly as well, epistemically speaking, as rule by an expert oligarchy, but is still acceptable from the point of view of equal participation in the political process.Send article to KindleTo send this article to your (...)
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  7. Economics.Richard Bennett & Paul Thompson - 2018 - In Michael C. Appleby, Anna Olsson & Francisco Galindo, Animal welfare. Boston, MA: CABI.
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    Cultural Rights Versus Civic Virtue?Richard Thompson Ford - 2012 - The Monist 95 (1):151-171.
  9. The opacity of consent: Richard Hull on informed consent as patient duty.James Lindemann Nelson - 2005 - In Elizabeth D. Boepple, Sui generis: essays presented to Richard Thompson Hull on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse.
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  10. Toward resolving the abortion and embryonic stem cell debates.Richard T. Hull & Elaine M. Hull - 2007 - In Paul Kurtz & David Richard Koepsell, Science and ethics: can science help us make wise moral judgments? Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. pp. 95.
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    Reasons for academic honesty and dishonesty with solutions: a study of pharmacy and medical students in New Zealand.Marcus A. Henning, Sanya Ram, Phillipa Malpas, Richard Sisley, Andrea Thompson & Susan J. Hawken - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (10):702-709.
    This paper presents students’ views about honest and dishonest actions within the pharmacy and medical learning environments. Students also offered their views on solutions to ameliorating dishonest action. Three research questions were posed in this paper: (1) what reasons would students articulate in reference to engaging in dishonest behaviours? (2) What reasons would students articulate in reference to maintaining high levels of integrity? (3) What strategies would students suggest to decrease engagement in dishonest behaviours and/or promote honest behaviours? The design (...)
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    Patients' Views on Identifiability of Samples and Informed Consent for Genetic Research.Sara Chandros Hull, Richard Sharp, Jeffrey Botkin, Mark Brown, Mark Hughes, Jeremy Sugarman, Debra Schwinn, Pamela Sankar, Dragana Bolcic-Jankovic, Brian Clarridge & Benjamin Wilfond - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (10):62-70.
    It is unclear whether the regulatory distinction between non-identifiable and identifiable information—information used to determine informed consent practices for the use of clinically derived samples for genetic research—is meaningful to patients. The objective of this study was to examine patients' attitudes and preferences regarding use of anonymous and identifiable clinical samples for genetic research. Telephone interviews were conducted with 1,193 patients recruited from general medicine, thoracic surgery, or medical oncology clinics at five United States academic medical centers. Wanting to know (...)
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  13.  42
    Peirce on Perception and Reasoning: From Icons to Logic.Kathleen A. Hull & Richard Kenneth Atkins (eds.) - 2017 - New York, USA: Routledge.
    The founder of both American pragmatism and semiotics, Charles Sanders Peirce is widely regarded as an enormously important and pioneering theorist. In this book, scholars from around the world examine the nature and significance of Peirce’s work on perception, iconicity, and diagrammatic thinking. Abjuring any strict dichotomy between presentational and representational mental activity, Peirce’s theories transform the Aristotelian, Humean, and Kantian paradigms that continue to hold sway today and, in so doing, forge a new path for understanding the centrality of (...)
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  14.  32
    A Quarter Century of Value Inquiry: Presidential Addresses Before the American Society for Value Inquiry.Richard T. Hull (ed.) - 1994 - Atlanta, GA: Brill | Rodopi.
    This volume contains all of the presidential addresses given before the American Society for Value Inquiry since its first meeting in 1970. Contributions are by Richard Brandt*, Virgil Aldrich*, John W. Davis*, the late Robert S. Hartman*, James B. Wilbur*, the late William H. Werkmeister, Robert E. Carter, the late William T. Blackstone, Gene James, Eva Hauel Cadwallader, Richard T. Hull, Norman Bowie*, Stephen White*, Burton Leiser+, Abraham Edel, Sidney Axinn, Robert Ginsberg, Patricia Werhane, Lisa M. Newton, (...)
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  15. The alchemy of informed consent revisited.Richard Hull - manuscript
    Second, let me offer an apology for not having a handout for this talk. I do have a website that contains most of my talks and published papers, as well as various other ravings collected over thirty-plus years of ruminating, and you are each welcome to visit it and acquire for your own reading pleasure or other legitimate purposes (such as composing refutations of my foolish views) such copies as you may require. Just don’t steal my ideas and misrepresent them (...)
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  16. Defining disability—a philosophical approach.Richard Hull - 1998 - Res Publica 4 (2):199-210.
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    Informed consent: Patient's right or patient's duty?Richard T. Hull - 1985 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 10 (2):183-198.
    The rule that a patient should give a free, fully-informed consent to any therapeutic intervention is traditionally thought to express merely a right of the patient against the physician, and a duty of the physician towards the patient. On this view, the patient may waive that right with impugnity, a fact sometimes expressed in the notion of a right not to know. This paper argues that the rule also expresses a duty of the patient towards the physician and a right (...)
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  18. Deconstructing the doctrine of double effect.Richard Hull - 2000 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 3 (2):195-207.
    This paper examines the doctrine of double effect as it is typically applied. The difficulty of distinguishing between what we intend and what we foresee is highlighted. In particular, Warren Quinn's articulation of that distinction is examined and criticised. It is then proposed that the only credible way that we can be said to foresee that a harm will result and mean something other than that we intend it to result, is if we are not certain that that harm will (...)
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  19.  81
    Feyerabend's attack on observation sentences.Richard T. Hull - 1972 - Synthese 23 (4):374 - 399.
  20.  61
    Cheap Listening? – Reflections on the Concept of Wrongful Disability1.Richard J. Hull - 2006 - Bioethics 20 (2):55-63.
    ABSTRACT This paper investigates the concept of wrongful disability. That concept suggests that parents are morally obligated to prevent the genetic transmission of certain conditions and so, if they do not, any resulting disability is ‘wrongful’. In their book From Chance to Choice, Buchanan, Brock, Daniels and Wikler defend the concept of wrongful disability using the principle of avoidability via substitution. That principle is scrutinised here. It is argued that the idea of avoidability via substitution is both conceptually problematic and (...)
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  21.  18
    Deprivation and Freedom: A Philosophical Enquiry.Richard J. Hull - 2007 - Routledge.
    _Deprivation and Freedom_ investigates the key issue of social deprivation. It looks at how serious that issue is, what we should do about it and how we might motivate people to respond to it. It covers core areas in moral and political philosophy in new and interesting ways, presents the topical example of disability as a form of social deprivation, shows that we are not doing nearly enough for certain sections of our communities and encourages that we think differently about (...)
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  22.  10
    Ethical Issues in the New Reproductive Technologies.Richard T. Hull - 1990
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  23. Psycho-Physical Correlations and Ontology: A Reply to Shaffer.Richard T. Hull - 1974 - Behaviorism 2 (2):194-199.
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  24. On Taking Causal Criteria to be Ontologically Significant.Richard T. Hull - 1973 - Behavior and Philosophy 1 (2):65.
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    Counterexamples in intuitionistic analysis using kripke's schema.Richard G. Hull - 1969 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 15 (16-18):241-246.
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    Why be moral? A reply to Donahue and Tierno.Richard T. Hull - 1993 - Journal of Value Inquiry 27 (1):109-110.
  27. Autonomy, Personhood, and the Right to Psychiatric Treatment.Richard T. Hull - unknown
    In the May, 1960, issue of the American Bar Association Journal (vol. 499), Morton Birnbaum, a lawyer and physician, argued for a legal right to psychiatric treatment of the involuntarily committed mentally ill person. In the 18 years since his article appeared,, there have been several key court cases in which this concept of a right to psychiatric treatment has figured prominently and decisively. It is important to note that the language of the decisions have had at least an indirect (...)
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  28. Are presymptomatic carriers of Huntington's chorea and heterozygous carriers of cystic fibrosis genetically diseased?Richard Hull - manuscript
    Technological advances force redefinition of action-mandating concepts and language through complex social, political and economic tendencies that collectively determine what has been dubbed “the technological imperative.” The reverse is also true: redefinition of concepts shapes and guides the direction of technological development through shaping public beliefs and expectations. A powerful and far-reaching example of such occurred with the redefinition of “death” and the concept’s transformed relationship to transplantation technology.
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  29. Almeder's unknowable defeater defeated.Richard Hull - manuscript
    Robert Almeder has argued1 that three “fourth conditions” for nondefectiveness of knowledge justification claims, proposed in the recent literature,2 are essentially similar, require modification in order to eliminate the possibility of an unknowable defeater, and, so modified, render attainment of non-basic factual knowledge impossible. Although I believe there are objections to be raised against his exposition and reduction of the three proposed fourth conditions, I wish only to raise some doubts about the supposed necessity of the modifications and then to (...)
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    Back in the USSR.Richard T. Hull - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (6):4-4.
  31. Commentary on albini and ketcham.Richard Hull - manuscript
    The theme advanced and developed by Boris Albini and Gary Ketcham in two issues of the Reporter (May 7, 1987, and February 25, 1988) involve several key concepts: sentience and suffering, life and death, compassion, contradictory rights and conflicting values. I propose to recapitulate those developed themes in order to assess what has been clarified, what still remains obscure, and what has gone unaddressed. For me the issues of which they write are live ones, and my own mind is unsettled (...)
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  32. Defending Cloning and Stem Cell Research Against Faith-Based Curbs Introduction.Richard Hull & Tom Flynn - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23.
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  33. Designing humans versus designing for humans: Some ethical issues in genetics.Richard Hull - manuscript
    At a meeting of the American Society for Value Inquiry in Chicago last spring, and again at a conference on biomedical ethics last fall in London, Ontario, David J. Roy, Head of the Institute for Medical Humanities, University of Montreal, described a developing situation in the biomedical technologies about which he and many of his colleagues in the profession share an enormous apprehension. The biomedical sciences have in their possession, in development, and on the drawing boards a technology that has (...)
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  34. Dying in America.Richard T. Hull - unknown
    Good Morning! When I was asked to talk on the subject of Dying in America at a breakfast meeting, It occurred to me that I might get to make some wisecracks about how we eat, at a breakfast where we would be served croissants, butter, sausage and eggs, and berries served with Devonshire cream: certainly the most tasteful form of dying in America! Nor have we been disappointed: quiche and ham should do quite nicely. Then, after last Tuesday’s election, someone (...)
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  35. Ethics in a democratic state.Richard Hull - manuscript
    I bring you greetings from the United States, where its citizens have been closely following the events of the past three weeks. There has been a great change in the feelings of common American people towards the Russian people. Many have expressed their sense of identity and solidarity with the people of Moscow and St. Petersburg as they witnessed the resistance for the attempted coup. Americans have enormous respect for constitutional government as well as for democracy, and they saw the (...)
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  36. Ethical issues in starting and stopping end-stage dialysis.Richard Hull - manuscript
    Three ethical principles currently determine both law and practice with respect to starting and stopping dialysis in end stage renal disease cases: Medical Futility, Respect for Life, and Patient Sel-determination. Even where dialysis is not medically futile, patients possessing capacity, and patients lacking capacity but with valid, functioning proxy decision-makers, self-determination is the dominant principle, in that efforts to prolong and preserve life may be set aside or not initiated at the request of the adequately informed patient or the patient’s (...)
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    Freedom: Not flabby, just big boned.Richard Hull - 2000 - Res Publica 6 (3):327-336.
  38. Fantastic Phenomenology.Richard Hull - 1991 - Analecta Husserliana 33:335.
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    Fantastic Phenomenology: Quixote Reconsidered.Richard Hull - 1989 - Substance 18 (2):35.
  40. Genetic Carrier Status and the Contextual Reality of Genetic Disease a Contribution to URAM Genome Studies.Richard T. Hull - 1997 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 20 (4):304-316.
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    Health Care Teams.Richard T. Hull - 1981 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 9 (4):2-2.
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    Historical Essays in Twentieth Century American Philosophy.Richard T. Hull (ed.) - 2000 - Philosophy Documentation Center.
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  43. it's A Ba-by!Richard Hull - 2007 - Free Inquiry 27:27-31.
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  44. Is there ever a duty to have sex with someone other than one’s spouse?Richard Hull - manuscript
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  45. Living Without Religion - Pascal’s Wager: Not a Good Bet.Richard Hull - 2005 - Free Inquiry 25.
  46.  11
    Martin Heidegger on the Way.Richard T. Hull (ed.) - 1996 - Brill | Rodopi.
    This work is a publication of a manuscript left unfinished at his death by the author. From the time of their conversations in 1936, William Henry Werkmeister has studied the phenomenon of Martin Heidegger's thought and the critical literature commenting on it. During a period spanning 36 years, Werkmeister wrote some nine articles and reviews about his findings. He turned to other interests, but the Heidegger phenomenon continued to reside at the back of his mind. At age ninety, Werkmeister set (...)
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  47. No Fear.Richard Hull - 1997 - Free Inquiry 17.
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  48. Ortega y Gasset, Phenomenology and Quixote.Richard Hull - 1994 - Analecta Husserliana 41:179.
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  49. Presidential Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 1901-1910, 1911-1920, 1921-1930.Richard T. Hull - 2001 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 37 (1):143-149.
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    (3 other versions)Presidential Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, 1911-1920.Richard Hull - 1999 - Springer.
    Documents a decade that saw the Association begin negotiations to merge with the Western Philosophical Association that later led to the original organization becoming the Eastern Division of an expanded Association, and a world war that divided friends and colleagues across both geographical and political lines. The addresses, therefore, take on internal and external politics and are often tinged with tragedy. The topics include the problem of transcendence, Bergson and pragmatism, time and the experience of time, the ethics of states, (...)
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